Solid Works Assignment – Sterling Engine

My Product Design & Modelling class was my first time working with SolidWorks. The aim of this module was to teach us how to create working parts from 2D drawings, construct a functioning assembly from these parts and then generate annotated working drawings from these parts and assemblies. One of the largest projects we undertookContinue reading “Solid Works Assignment – Sterling Engine”

Making A Step Sequencer – Interactive Multimedia Assignment

The project I undertook for this module was to develop a step sequencer using a basic code our lecturer provided us with.  A step sequencer is a piece of software developed for playing repeating patterns in a beat. It can record, edit and playback music through a number of different channels. The simple code thatContinue reading “Making A Step Sequencer – Interactive Multimedia Assignment”

The Ferris Bueller Project

This was the project I completed for my Digital Media Software & Systems class which was my first experience with Graphic Design and using Photoshop for creative design initiatives. The overall aim of the module was to create a design campaign for a single product such as an album, movie, television show or band. IContinue reading “The Ferris Bueller Project”

Design Visualisation Project 3 – Product Photography

The final project in our Design Visualisation was entirely based on photography. We had to a choose a product with an appealing aesthetic then use creative photography to capture its marketability. For this project, the product I chose was a stick-on paper ornament – the Paradis Butterfly! ment.

Design Visualisation Project 2 – Product Functionality

The aim of this project was to select a product with interesting functionality and to then to communicate different aspects of its functionality through the design visualisation skills we had learnt. I chose my wireless Dell headphones because it had a number of interesting functions that I wanted to showcase and how the user would interact withContinue reading “Design Visualisation Project 2 – Product Functionality”

Design Visualisation Project 1

The aim of this module is to be able to understand and visualise product design ideas and interpret those of others. We learnt to appreciate the importance of visualisation and how to present products in a professional service to a client. We were taught how to use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to achieve these visualisation techniques thatContinue reading “Design Visualisation Project 1”

Visit Ballyvourney – Mobile Application Design

This was our first introduction to designing mobile apps. While we had been taught HTML and CSS previously, this module taught us to design applications suitable for mobile devices, and the considerations that must be taken into place during this design process. For our final project, the task was to design our own app forContinue reading “Visit Ballyvourney – Mobile Application Design”

Redrum – An amateur filmmaking project

This is the first completed project we did as part of our Video Fundamentals course. This wasn’t being graded so I edited it myself and we decided to have a bit of fun with it. So try not to laugh at how ridiculous it is. Or do. Up to you!

CycleSafe: Using IxD To Encourage More Cyclists In Urban Areas

For my Directed Studies class this semester, the overall aim of the module was to write a paper focusing on a Design Fiction we had created. Design Fiction is a method of prototyping in Human Computer Interaction, creating a narrative surrounding the design you intend to build. Design Fiction is very effective means of prototypingContinue reading “CycleSafe: Using IxD To Encourage More Cyclists In Urban Areas”

Digital Media Design’s Directed Study

One of the modules I’m undertaking this year is Directed Study 2. We had studied it previously in first year as our first introduction to academia and analysing papers. After nearly 2 years in college, I now appreciate the value of the skills I learnt during this class. At first I found reading academic papersContinue reading “Digital Media Design’s Directed Study”